Sunday, June 13, 2010


Breathing is the process that takes oxygen in and carbon dioxide in and then out of the body.

Breathless is not being able to breathe or to be able to breathe except with difficulty.

Music makes me breathless.  The way that all of the instruments and vocals blend together amazing.  I mean who would have ever thought of putting a bunch of loud, obnoxious noisemakers together to form something beautiful?  People make me breathless.  Sometimes, not in a good way.  I don’t know why God even created us the way he did.  Evolution, God, or whatever it is you believe in, it still confuses me.  Odd, isn’t it?  The way we work, think, and associate with others.  It makes me think about how we were thought of.  Art makes me breathless.  I guess music is a form of art, but when I say “art”, I mean like painting and sculpting, etc.  How every color blends together to make paint look like a photo.  Love makes me breathless.  The way that two people can love each other without second guessing themselves is amazing.  My parents are the epitome of the perfect marriage.  17 years and 3 kids later, they still love each other like the day they first met.  They say that they don’t believe in love at first sight, but they do believe that the first time that they looked at each other, they had an instant connection… that is still lasting.

Those are the things that make me “breath with difficulty” or “not be able to breathe”.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Stop Complaining

"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain." ~Maya Angelou

That is probably the best quote that I have ever heard. You don't know how lucky you are to be in the position you are in. Some people out there are homeless, suffering, mentally ill, or have special needs and you are selfish enough to think only about yourself. What about all of those unborn babies? Widows and widowers? What about the people in India and China that are starving to death? And all you can think about is that your parents aren't letting you out after 11:00. You are lucky that your parents even brought you into this world. You don't know what kind of suffering people are going through outside of your hometown and there you are, wasting your life away, doing drugs, drinking, and gambling not even thinking about what you are getting yourself into. Too bad you don't know what other people are going through.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Sometimes, i wish that i was invisible. things don't usually go my way and end up hitting me in the face. for example, i always do my homework and that's a good thing... right? WRONG. well, to the teachers it's a good thing but guess what happens when students find out that i did my homework. they want to copy it. and being the good person i am, i can't just let them fail. even if it goes against my instinct, i can't just desert them in their time of "need". then, later on, i think about it and I'm like, crap... why did i give them my homework? i know for a fact that most people that copy from me wouldn't give me the homework if it were the opposite situation, they wouldn't give it to me.
Other times, i am invisible. metaphorically, that is. for another example, i feel like as i am walking through the hallway, no one knows my name. correction, i KNOW no one knows my name. I guess that in some ways being invisible is good. other times, it's not. i get over it after a while. i just have to learn to voice my opinion more and speak up when i don't think that what just happened was right. i hope i don't remain invisible forever.

Monday, February 22, 2010

there are good teens out there

hola guys!
if you don't know, i am a part of a wonderful non-profit organization called GlamourGals. GlamourGals was started 10 years ago with only 1 chapter in Commack, New York. You are probably thinking, "what is GlamourGals?". After you join GlamourGals, your chapter president organizes makeovers each month. you and your chapter visit a local nursing home 2-3 or more times a month and give the residents (mostly ladies) there makeovers. we give them a facial, put on some lipstick, blush, and moisturizer, and then do their nails. as you are giving the lady the makeover, they tell you stories about their childhood and you get to see how life was different back then. for example, last week, i went to a makeover and as i was painting a lady's nails, we were chatting about the price of candy. she said that when she was young, you could get 2 pieces of Bazooka bubble gum for a penny. now, i never knew that and although it may not be useful later on in life, it is still a fact and i never know, it may come in handy one day. i wrote this blog because teens are a stereotype and although you may not know, there are good teens out there. when you hear the word "teenager", what comes to mind? i know most people think "vandalization" or "carelessness" but my fellow volunteers and I are the exact opposite of that. next time you hear the word "teenager", try to think of my journal entry and GlamourGals and know that not every teen fails classes or does graffiti or smokes. there are teens that volunteer in their spare time instead of doing graffiti or drinking.

Thanks for listening,
a high school nerd :)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

president's week break

hey bloggers.
i thought that i would share what my president's week was like. most of you probably think that i would be skiing or partying. i didn't. on the first day of my break, i went to a valentine's day glamourgals makeover. then i went home to get my luggage, threw it in the car and listened to my ipod for 2 hours while my mom and dad drove us to pennsylvania while my brothers were watching kung fu panda. fun stuff. when we got to our timeshare, i claimed the loft, unpacked, and then we went to dairy queen to get blizzards. when we got home, my youngest brother (out of 2) went to bed and my parents, my other brother, and i played catch phrase. then came homework. i have to read 15 pages in "i know why the caged bird sings" and then write a journal about it. woohoo. it's 10:00 PM and i really want to sleep, but that means tomorrow when i want to sleep even more, i have to do 2 journal entries. whatever, so i decided to get it over with. sleep. i got basically no sleep. i woke up at 9:00 AM because the loft is right above the kitchen and my family HAS to eat before 9:00. my brothers are shouting and munching and slamming their forks against their plates. sometimes, i think they try to wake me up. even at home. i don't even bother trying to fall back asleep so i just brush my teeth and go downstairs. then, the same schedule for the rest of the day except we went to church, since its sunday. monday, same. except we woke up early again because we went tubing with our cousins. snow tubing, that is. tuesday, same. except it's valentine's day and i did the favor of babysitting for my mom and dad while they went out to dinner. wednesday, we leave. i hope you know that i journal'd every night during vacation and i still have one more to do. thursday. homework. homework. homework. this is why i am a self proclaimed nerd. i did earth science and more journals. friday. more homework. i babysat for one of the little girls down the block from me and did japanese homework there. when she fell asleep, guess what else i did. more JOURNALS. what a shock. saturday. break is almost over. i finished most of my homework. just putting off the rest until last minute. clean and dust. oh! and this guy who was stupid enough to forget to block his number kept calling me for no reason. sunday. 4:19 AM. this idiot calls me 4 TIMES. he was probably drunk or something and i don't even know how he got my number. my dad called him and told him that he would press charges if he didn't stop :D. anyway so after church, i did more homework and cried. and cried. and cried. don't ask me why because i won't tell you. did my advisory homework. cried some more. then babysat while my brother played in his playoff basketball game. they lost just in case you're wondering. i'm proud of him though. he's a good kid and i love him. then we had sushi for dinner and my mom took me out for a hot chocolate at dunkin' donuts. then i decided to write another blog post. so that was my break. sorry for such a long entry. i don't even know if anyone is reading this still. now i have to go study. wish me luck.

~a high school nerd

a high school nerd

ok, so...
hey guys! i'm new to blogging so just bear with me here.
if you didn't notice from my URL and the name of my blog, i am a high school nerd. i hand in all of my homework on time, ace most of my tests, and put 110% effort into all of my projects. if one of my friends invites me over on a saturday and i didn't finish a big project that is due monday, i will politely decline. so basically, i'm your typical "nerd". i'm creating this blog because i want you guys out there to know what high school is really like. my school doesn't break out into song and (sorry taylor swift, i love your music) a senior boy usually doesn't even know you exist, let alone wink at you, even if you're the prettiest girl in school. i dont dress like a nerd, and if i do say so myself, i have a pretty good sense of style. there are no stereotypes in my school. that just may be because it is a new school but whatever. there are no drama geeks or jocks or country clubbers. no big nerds or cheerleaders (my school doesn't have a cheerleading team ): ) or human waste or FMLers. no Marthas or artists or poets. no goths or punk rockers either. not one in sight. i think that i covered most of the basic "stereotypes". sometimes i wish that my school did have those things because it would make high school more real. you know? maybe not. i think that i am going to wrap it up for today. save some "suspense" for the next entry. oh and if you have questions for me, ask me at:

until next time,
the high school nerd :)