Sunday, February 21, 2010

a high school nerd

ok, so...
hey guys! i'm new to blogging so just bear with me here.
if you didn't notice from my URL and the name of my blog, i am a high school nerd. i hand in all of my homework on time, ace most of my tests, and put 110% effort into all of my projects. if one of my friends invites me over on a saturday and i didn't finish a big project that is due monday, i will politely decline. so basically, i'm your typical "nerd". i'm creating this blog because i want you guys out there to know what high school is really like. my school doesn't break out into song and (sorry taylor swift, i love your music) a senior boy usually doesn't even know you exist, let alone wink at you, even if you're the prettiest girl in school. i dont dress like a nerd, and if i do say so myself, i have a pretty good sense of style. there are no stereotypes in my school. that just may be because it is a new school but whatever. there are no drama geeks or jocks or country clubbers. no big nerds or cheerleaders (my school doesn't have a cheerleading team ): ) or human waste or FMLers. no Marthas or artists or poets. no goths or punk rockers either. not one in sight. i think that i covered most of the basic "stereotypes". sometimes i wish that my school did have those things because it would make high school more real. you know? maybe not. i think that i am going to wrap it up for today. save some "suspense" for the next entry. oh and if you have questions for me, ask me at:

until next time,
the high school nerd :)

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