Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Sometimes, i wish that i was invisible. things don't usually go my way and end up hitting me in the face. for example, i always do my homework and that's a good thing... right? WRONG. well, to the teachers it's a good thing but guess what happens when students find out that i did my homework. they want to copy it. and being the good person i am, i can't just let them fail. even if it goes against my instinct, i can't just desert them in their time of "need". then, later on, i think about it and I'm like, crap... why did i give them my homework? i know for a fact that most people that copy from me wouldn't give me the homework if it were the opposite situation, they wouldn't give it to me.
Other times, i am invisible. metaphorically, that is. for another example, i feel like as i am walking through the hallway, no one knows my name. correction, i KNOW no one knows my name. I guess that in some ways being invisible is good. other times, it's not. i get over it after a while. i just have to learn to voice my opinion more and speak up when i don't think that what just happened was right. i hope i don't remain invisible forever.

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